LaserPulse class properties

Several physical properties of LaserPulse objects are automatically calculated and can be accessed using the dot notation.


Several physical properties of LaserPulse objects are automatically calculated and can be accessed using the dot notation.

New pulse in frequency domain

% frequency array
f = linspace(0, 10, 1000);
% electric field
Af = exp(-(f-0.5).^2/(0.1)^2);
phi = 1000*(f-0.5).^3;
% LaserPulse object
p2 = LaserPulse(f, 'THz', Af, phi);

% Plot the pulse

Display physical properties

fprintf('\ntime domain properties')
propertyName = {'arrivalTime', 'duration', 'timeOffset', 'timeStep'};
for i = 1:numel(propertyName)
  fprintf('%s = %.2f %s\n', propertyName{i}, p2.(propertyName{i}), p2.timeUnits);

fprintf('\nfrequency domain properties')
propertyName = {'centralFrequency', 'bandwidth', 'frequencyOffset', 'frequencyStep'};
for i = 1:numel(propertyName)
  fprintf('%s = %.2f %s\n', propertyName{i}, p2.(propertyName{i}), p2.frequencyUnits);
time domain properties
arrivalTime = 1.19 ps
duration = 4.68 ps
timeOffset = 1.21 ps
timeStep = 0.10 ps

frequency domain properties
centralFrequency = 0.50 THz
bandwidth = 0.12 THz
frequencyOffset = 5.01 THz
frequencyStep = 0.01 THz